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Written By

Adam Ryan

Start-Up Opportunities in 2021.

Sparkle with 2021 as the sparkler
With the COVID-19 Pandemic still impacting all industries gobally here are some thoughts on potential Start Up opportunities for 2021.

It is difficult to predict specific start-up ideas for 2021, as the start-up landscape is constantly changing, and new ideas are continually emerging. However, some industries that are likely to see significant growth and innovation in 2021 include:

  1. E-commerce and online marketplaces: With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many consumers have shifted to online shopping, accelerating the growth of e-commerce and online marketplaces.

  2. Healthtech: With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there is a growing demand for technology that can help with remote healthcare and telemedicine. Additionally, there is a constant need for technology that can improve the efficiency of the healthcare system and make healthcare more accessible.

  3. Remote work and collaboration tools: With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have shifted to remote work, accelerating the growth of remote work and collaboration tools.

  4. AI and Machine Learning: With the continuing advancements in AI and machine learning, there is a growing demand for solutions that can improve automation and efficiency across various industries.

  5. Cybersecurity: As more companies move to the digital space, the need for security solutions to protect sensitive data and prevent cyber-attacks is growing.

Final Thoughts

The above industries I listed are similar to 2020, but the pandemic has accelerated technology adoption in these fields, making them more relevant in 2021.


About the Author

Adam Ryan Start-Up Expert

Adam Ryan is a Professor of Practice (Adjunct Professor) at Monash University and is a principal at Watkins Bay. Adam has over twenty years of start-up experience in Australia and the USA. An expert in Company Structuring for Innovation, Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions, and Capital for early and growth-stage businesses.


Contact Details

Australia +61 (0) 418 325 387

USA + 1 (858) 252-0954


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Written By

Adam Ryan

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