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Written By

Adam Ryan

Being a Great Founder is Being a Great Leader

Being a Founder can sound glamorous, exciting and enticing. However, it can be a lonely journey if you get it wrong. Although each founder will have their style, approach and views on how to be a leader here is a simple list to stimulate thinking about some of the key aspects of what makes good to great founders and great leaders.

  1. Clearly communicate the vision: Founders should clearly and concisely communicate their vision for the company in a way that resonates with their team.

  2. Lead by example: The founder should be the first to believe in and commit to the vision and lead by example in working towards it.

  3. Inspire and motivate: The founder should inspire and motivate the team to work towards the shared vision.

  4. Create a sense of ownership: Encourage team members to take ownership of their roles and responsibilities and make them feel like they are a part of the overall vision.

  5. Communicate progress and success: Regularly communicate progress and success towards the vision, and celebrate small wins along the way.

  6. Show the impact of the vision: Share how the vision will benefit not only the company but also the team members and the overall community or industry.

  7. Be open to feedback and adapt: Be open to feedback and be willing to adjust the vision based on feedback and new information.


Final Thoughts

Founders operate in high-pressure environments, which can be isolating. The above list highlights the importance of empathy and connecting, which allows for greater engagement and support.


About the Author

Adam Ryan is a Professor of Practice (Adjunct Professor) at Monash University and is a principal at Watkins Bay. He has over twenty years of start-up experience in Australia and the USA. An expert in Company Structuring for Innovation, Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions, Capital for early and growth stage businesses.


Contact Details

Australia +61 (0) 418 325 387

USA + 1 (858) 252-0954


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Written By

Adam Ryan

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