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Written By

Adam Ryan

8 Characteristics of High-Performing Start-Up Teams

Updated: Jan 21, 2023

High Performing Start Team Characteristics
High Performing Teams in Start Ups

A high-performing startup team typically has several key characteristics:

  1. Clear and aligned goals: Team members understand and are committed to the company's mission and goals.

  2. Assertive communication: Team members can effectively communicate with one another, both within their own roles and across different departments.

  3. Flexibility and adaptability: Team members can adapt to changing circumstances and pivot when necessary.

  4. Strong work ethic: Team members are self-motivated and willing to do the extra work required to succeed.

  5. Diverse skills and backgrounds: Team members bring various skills and perspectives to the table, allowing for more creative problem-solving and decision-making.

  6. Good leadership: There is a clear leader or leader who can inspire and guide the team towards success.

  7. Trust and mutual respect: Team members trust and respect one another and can work together effectively.

  8. Empowerment: Team members are encouraged to take the initiative and make decisions rather than relying on a top-down direction.


About the Author

Adam Ryan is a Professor of Practice (Adjunct Professor) at Monash University and is a principal at Watkins Bay. Adam has over twenty years of start-up experience in Australia and the USA. An expert in Company Structuring for Innovation, Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions, and Capital for early and growth-stage businesses.


Contact Details

Australia +61 (0) 418 325 387

USA + 1 (858) 252-0954


Reach out via Linked In


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Written By

Adam Ryan

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